
The One AND Only Suckafish! (Yes, I know it's really a puffer fish. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're a nerd.)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bloggers Are Like Dead-Beat Dads

Bloggers are kind of like dead-beat dads.

They come into your life and stick around for a couple of weeks, telling you some fragmented stories, mediocre jokes, and spouting garden variety wisdom. After a while, you start to feel temporarily fulfilled by their presence.

And then, seemingly out of nowhere, they disappear, hitting the road, off to God knows where—chasing tail, getting drunk off 40’s in alleyways, visiting their other families you didn’t even know they had. You’re sad at first, but then, after a bit, you start to get over the loss and start to feel good about yourself. You don’t need them to feel good, you are your own person, dammit, and no one is going to control your emotions but you!

The, one spring afternoon, they show up on your doorstep without notice, and want to start talking to you again as if nothing had changed. It can really do a number on your emotions.

Who do these bloggers/deadbeat dads think they are, anyway? Are they really so self-absorbed and emotionally stunted that they actually believe that the people who used to rely on them will just lend an open ear whenever they feel the whim to start talking, even if they have been silent and out of their readers'/childrens' lives for say, 6 months and 5 days?

Well, as a blogger, I can tell you the answer is a resounding "yes!" I personally can't speak for bad fathers, cause I'm not one and I don't have one.

That was a little ambiguous. To clarify, I don't mean that I'm a father but not a bad one, or that I don't have a father. I meant that I'm not a father at all, so I'm not a bad one (time will tell on that one I guess); I also meant that I don't have a bad father-I have a good one.

I was just drawing the analogy between bloggers and what I imagine bad fathers are like, gleaned from what I've observed from pop culture such as the movie Talladega Nights or the book Dear Mr Crenshaw.

Anyway, I guess that was my round-about way of pulling the typical blogger/bad father move--showing back up out of nowhere, talking to you again like nothing has changed, and deflecting any questions you might have about my whereabouts the past 6 months by dominating the conversation and spouting off cracker jack philosophy.

Yes, I and the Whatitissuckafish blog are officially back, but for an indeterminate time. I've tried to change my habit of wandering off and abandoning you, but I can't make any promises.  I want to be here and share my insights with you forever, but I might get distracted and disappear again.

But, you, blog reader, just like Ricky Bobby, the kid in Mr Crenshaw and all the other kids out there with bad fathers, must put on a brave face, be a little trooper, and listen to what I have to say when I decide to show up because, let's face it, what other choice do you have?

Let's make the best of our time together now because who knows how long it will last?

Mikee P

PS I will try to keep up with it as long as I possibly can. Much more has come up by way of distraction that I have to tell you guys about!

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