
The One AND Only Suckafish! (Yes, I know it's really a puffer fish. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're a nerd.)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Best of The "What It Is Suckafish Blog", i.e. Greatest Hits

Are you kidding me?

You actually think there would, or could be a "best of" or "greatest hits" installment of this blog? It's only been around for, like, a year, and it's not even good! Dream on, reader. Thanks for playing along and coming here to check it out, though.

Well, to be honest, I wasted all of my creativity on that one fake-out title idea. Plus I'm going out of town for Thanksgiving, so I'm kinda distracted and rushed.

So, I guess that's it for today. Have a good holiday--try to avoid any physical confrontations with your family, I'm told the tryptophan in turkey is a real rage-inducer. At least the turkey I ate growing up.

Wait, what? I'm sorry, I'm being informed right now that tryptophan actually makes you tired and sluggish. I guess my mom must have been spiking our turkey with steroids all those years. That would explain my squeaky voice and acne outbreak around the age of 12.

I'm sorry, I'm being told that that was most likely just puberty.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving, or whatever the wiccan equivalent is to those of you out there who swing that way. More What-It-Is to come at you next week!
