
The One AND Only Suckafish! (Yes, I know it's really a puffer fish. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're a nerd.)


I guess you'd call this an About Me page. This is Me. What this page is About. MikeeP.

I don't have any answers to life, nor do I want to try to tell anyone how to live or what to do.  I am the first to admit I am a bizarre individual, but there might be some grains of truth in here that you can relate to that might make you feel less weird or might even enrich your life (prob not). I'm always happy to learn from other people.

I try to keep open to all experiences, all people, and all aspects of life. There aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do and see everything I want to see as much as I may try. I plan on sleeping when I'm dead. Or hungover--I'll sleep when I'm hungover.

I try not to take myself or life too seriously. I think everyone should lighten up a bit. After I die by getting gunned down at the US-Mexican border driving a hijacked Coca-Cola truck, I will refuse to let people be sad at my funeral. There will be drinking, a 3-D spectacular, and bouncers who will toss out anyone who cries.

I'm a lawyer. I like to think that I am the law. But I'm not. I'm an insurance coverage attorney. I decide whether certain lawsuits are covered under insurance policies. It doesn't get any sexier than that. My dream profession would be being beach and ski bum simultaneously, and a writer in my free time. Or a lotto winner.

I am a huge movie and TV person. I mean I like movies and TV a lot. I don't mean I like huge movies and TV's. Although, IMAX and big screens are awesome.

Comedy is my favorite film genre. I have trouble picking a favorite, though What's Up, Doc? comes to mind. I love Adam McKay. I think Judd Apatow is overrated. Walk away from anyone who tells you Fired Up! is not an incredible movie.

I usually have about seven TV shows that I follow at a time. Right now, they are: Archer, Justified, Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, Game of Thrones, Top Chef and The Life and Times of Tim.  

As far as music goes, my taste is truly indefinable. I just listen to what I like, and I usually like weird stuff. I'll often listen to hip-hop, punk rock, techno, Jonny Cash, 80's, jazz and Mozart back-to-back on shuffle. But my favorite band is Eve 6, and if you don't agree that they are the greatest band of all time, I will fight you -that's no lie (new album drops April 24, 2012!!)

I love Coke - Pepsi makes me vom in my mouth. I drink diet now but regular Coke will always have a place in my heart. Did you know that Diet Coke recently surpassed Pepsi as the # 2 soft drink? Suck on that, corpse of Ray Charles.

I've been in 15 driving related incidents in my lifetime. And I'm only 27. If you think my record is bad, you should hear my entire family's. It's been rumored that our collective DMV record printouts would circle the Earth twice and still have some left over to decorate the Great Wall of China with paper doll cutouts. These rumors may or may not be true. I used to drive a green Explorer named Bertha, and before that, a silver Jeep named Sonia. Both were destroyed, ironically when I wasn't driving. My current car is a stick shift that I've named Duchess because she is classy, but delicate (also, Archer). I got in an accident within a week of owning it (not my fault). The clutch has also gone out. I've owned her for 6 months.

I leave the ends of all my food. Yes, even donuts. Yes, even burgers. Yes, even french fries.

I like to travel but use a passport that has been through the wash at least once and the cover is glue-sticked on.

I drink at least 1 glass of wine a night, and usually more. I don't leave the ends of that. Except when I do.

I am generally a friendly person, and I can charm my way into most public libraries.

Oh, and I know you're dying to know - boxers (commando on Sundays).

That's a lot of personal info considering I might not even know you. Feel free to share with me. Like I said, I'm always open.