
The One AND Only Suckafish! (Yes, I know it's really a puffer fish. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're a nerd.)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Express Your Individuality Via Coke

Sorry it's been a while, whoever you are, but I've been out of town. I'm back now, and I have a lot to say, as we all always have a lot of time to kill. Anyway, read on, as what you are about to read will literally blow your taste buds' asses off.

Now, I have to start by saying, the Coke v. Pepsi battle was long ago decided.

Coke, is always has been, and always will be, superior to Pepsi in every way. (Dr. Pepper is a close 2nd to Coke, and cool because it's indie).

First and foremost, Coke simply tastes better. It is crisper and less overwhelmingly sweet. If you're one of those weirdos that requires more than mere drinkability in your soda, consider some of the following true facts.

-Coke is recognized by most businesses as the superior product and what their customers would want. It is served at most of the best fast food restaurants--McDonald's, Chick-Fil-A, Wendy's, Del Taco, Carl's Jr., Papa John's, Chipotle (only Pizza Hut and Taco Bell have yet to see the light, though I'm sure they are probably just locked into an exclusive contract with Pepsi that they recklessly and mistakenly made in the haste of the early stages of their business openings and would and will switch as soon as they possibly can). Likewise, most movie theaters acknowledge that it is a much better compliment to one of the best inventions to ever grace mankind, movie theater popcorn (a notably unfortunate dissenter is AMC).

-Consider the fact that the product name "Coke" is synonymous with the product "soda." You can order a Coke at any restaurant and be understood to mean you want a carbonated sweetened beverage--some places might ask "what kind?" signaling their acknowledgement that you might be using the best brand name to refer to the entire range of the product. The superior product always becomes the synonymous term with a type of product--Band-Aid is just one brand name for the product "small sticky wound dressing," yet everyone calls small sticky wound dressings "Band-Aids." When was the last time you heard a paper-cut victim screaming "dammit, I need a Cur-Aid!" or "ah shit, I'm bleeding--quick, grab me a Safeway generic brand small sticky wound dressing!"

-Coke invented Santa Claus as we know him by giving him the red suit in one of their early add compaigns. (http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/heritage/cokelore_santa.html). On the flip-side, Pepsi set Michael Jackson's hair on fire, possibly contributing to his pain-pill addiction (http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/index.php/2009/07/15/michael-jackson-pepsi-ad-footage-unearthed-from-1984-shoot/).

-Coke's image is short, sweet, and happy--it is, always has been, and only need be "the real thing." Much to the contrary, Pepsi seems to be caught in a perpetual identity crisis--it is constantly changing its look, slogan, and target audience. The most notable and apt example of this came in the 80's when Pepsi attempted to boost its popularity by claiming to be "the choice of a new generation." The marketing directors forgot to mention, however, that the new generation it was referring to was Gen-X, notoriously known to be moody, self-absorbed, jaded, whiney, angsty, entitled assholes (I say this knowing that I am a part of this group).

In short, Coke not only tastes better than Pepsi, it is more widely acknowledged by businesses to be the preference of its customers, its superiority has led to its universal equation with the product, it creates rather than destroys beloved public icons, and its image is happier and more laid back than its rivals.

Anyway, my point was in beginning this post, was to bring yet another reason why Coke is the superior product--its invention and utilization of the prototype fast-food soda fountain, called "Coca-Cola Freestyle," which not only makes it possible, but encourages you, me, and everyone else to express our individuality via soda selection.

This development is so amazingly exciting that I literally did a spit-take of a big mouthful of Coke when I read about it--I am currently using a friend's laptop because the Coke I spit out in my excitement made roughly 1/3 of my keyboard sticky.

You can get all the pertinent information here, http://fastfood.freedomblogging.com/2009/07/21/video-coca-cola-freestyle-demo-how-it-works/29053/, but I'm so pumped about this that I have to tell you a little about it because I know theres some of you who won't click on the link and will therefore miss out on the best experience of your life (depending on how sad and empty your life is).

Basically, it works like this--the Coke-Freestyle is a computerized soda fountain with a single-nozzle and a touch screen. Using the touch screen, each customer can select ANY combination of ANY flavor of ANY Coke product (and ANY flavor of Powerade as an alternative) in ANY amount in their 12-24 oz beverage cups to enjoy whilst dining. It also offers coffee, teas, water, etc. If you have ever enjoyed a "Suicide" at a restaurant as a kid or older, you know how awesome this is (a "suicide" is where you take your cup and fill it with a little bit of every option at the soda fountain--sounds odd, but tastes like an orgy in your mouth. Figuratively speaking).

The Coke-Freestyle takes the concept of the "suicide" to the next level--you can have 3 measures of Coke, 2 fingers of Blue Powerade, a splash of diet Cherry Coke Zero, and top it off with a hint of Peppermint SleepyTime Tea. Or you can stick with a standard tall drink of Diet Coke. Thus, Coke-Freestyle makes it possible for everyone to find their perfect soda cocktail to wash down their double cheeseburgers with no pickles.

The bad news: Coke-Freestyle is currently only being used in select fast food restaurants in Atlanta and Orange County. If you are lucky enough to be in one of those areas, PLEASE try it out and let me know how it is. If not, you, like me, will have to wait till around 2010.

The good news: despite offering tasty range of choices, the average wait time at the fountain is only a few seconds longer than current fountains.

Everyone is allowed, nay, encouraged to explore and test the bounds of their own tastes, inventiveness, and gusto, and in so doing, find a perfect expression of their personality via soda. It's instant self-definition in a cup. Not even Willy Wonka could have come up with something so simple yet so beautiful.

The only thing that one is limited by is one's own imagination. Choke on that, Pepsi.

This is MikeeP saying,

Things Go Better With Coke