
The One AND Only Suckafish! (Yes, I know it's really a puffer fish. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're a nerd.)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The New What It Is (suckafish!)

I thought about whether I should address the sudden, drastic and possibly awkward changes that I made to the blog, or if I should have just continued writing as if nothing was new.

On the one hand, I don't know if many people even read this, and thus if anyone would notice or care, save a select few. That would seem to point in the direction of not taking the time to acknowledge the changes, and would suggest that I am just doing it because I am bored or because I need to somehow explain myself to, well, myself.

On the other hand, there are, I hope, at least a few people who read this blog semi-regularly. For those who do, coming to the blog and seeing a new title, 2 new pictures, a profile, and about 10 new apps on the side might be a little bit like having a good friend who you see every day, and one day you go over and see them and they've shaved their head, gotten a nosejob and braces, tattooed an eagle on their face and gotten those contacts that make your eyes look like cat-eyes. And they just start talking to you as if there's nothing new or different.

To me, that would be a little awkward, might kind of make you go "huh," so I decided that I would post this short little acknowledgement. "What It Is" is now called "What It Is, Sukafish?!". The concept is the same, it's about random things, random stories and interesting ways to waste time, but as I am a new blogger, I wasn't fully aware of all the cababilities/gadgets you can add to your blog to make it (hopefully) more interesting/interractive.

I first started this blog knowing that I wanted to blog, and that was about it. I knew I was probably going to make it about the random things I have done, seen, observed, etc. After about a 2 week trial run, I feel like I'm starting to close in on a little bit more of a focused theme.

I thought about what I enjoy in a blog/website. When I am sitting in the law school library for hours, or just rounding hour 2 of a 3 hour lecture, what do I crave the most? The answer is obvious--something that is funny or interesting enough to hold my attention for a while to take my attention off the mind-numbingly boring crap that is being spewed at me.

Thus, the new and improved What It Is blog. It still features random stories and shares good movies, books, songs, links. However, I'd like to draw your attention to the new features of What It Is, Sukafish?!

First of all, you will note the pictures. The first one is a dead blowfish that me and my friends found on a beach while in La Paz, Mexico. This one one of the most memorable, fun trips I can recall, but that is another story for another time. Anyway, it's not like it died with the sunglasses on--this isn't Weekend at Bernie's. We put the glasses on the fish. Why? Good question. I guess we thought it would be funny. And it was, at least to us.

The purpose of the addition of this picture to What It Is is four-fold: 1) I changed the name to What It Is Sukafish!? and it's one of the only pictures of a fish that I have. "Sukafish" is a saying that was coined by my brother Toogie (not his real name in case you were horrifed at my parents) and his best friend who is our brotha from anotha motha (and father), who I will call Booget (he knows why). If you want to know why, it's because one summer me him and Toogie were all working doing oddjobs for my grandma, Nans at her place of work. What we didn't realize was that the work entailed scrubbing stacks and stacks of chairs with cleaning chemicals in a small confined closet with little-to-no ventilation. The ensuing 8 hours a day of fumes led us to come up with some really weird shit which we found hilarious at the time, one of which being the term "Booget." As I recall, booget is a homonym whose dual meanings are "a fried fish nugget (like a chicken nugget, but fish)", and "a slang term referring to Laotians (people from Laos)". It's not meant to be a derrogatory term, but rather merely a descriptive one--we were young, and bored--I think I speak for all of us when I say we have absolutely nothing against Laotians or the country of Laos--I daresay I know hardly anything about this country or its people save that it is in Southeast Asia near Vietnam and Cambodia. Feel free to enlighten me if you know more.

Anyway, Toogie and Booget coined the term "Sukafish" when playing a videogame. It is a general term whose meaning is closest to that of "sucka!" that you can insert at the end of any sentance to add a little sass/pizazz. Example: "How was work today?" "It was fine . . . SUKAFISH!" or "Who did you vote for?" "If you must know, I voted for Obama . . . . SUCKAFISH!" You get the idea. I added Sukafish to the title because it is a term that is near and dear to me, and it gives the blog some attitude, which I felt it needed. And now you all know about the term, "sukafish!" and can use it as you see fit--I know Toogie's goal was to have it spread around the globe.

2) reason 2 for the fish picture. As I said before, the picture was taken in La Paz, during spring break of sophomore year of college--one of my favorite trips. It's one of my favorite because of all the memories (and lackthereof, in some instances). It serves as a reminder to all of us that life is made up of memories, and you need to remember the good times, the good friends, and all the fun you have because, in the end, I believe that is what is important.

3) On a similar vein, the fish picture is symbolic of this blog--it takes something relatively uninteresting/commonplace, like a dead fish, and makes it hilarious/titilating (by adding sunglasses). I'm not saying that you need to add sunglasses to everything to make it more interesting, but the point I'm trying to make here is that this blog is all about taking relatively commonplace, everyday experiences and finding/creating the humor or significance in them. Not everyone is going to walk on the fucking moon--especially since there hasn't been a manned mission there since 1972. Most of us will be pretty successful (some you, extremely) and not famous outside of our local bowling alleys. But there is great humor and significance in each of our lives--you just have to look for it.

4) Finally, and again semi-related, I want to blog to be a reminder not to take things too seriously. The fish is dead, but it can still be funny if you put sunglasses on it--again, I cite Weekend at Bernie's. Obviously, there are some things that are very important to take seriously, like open-heart surgery, the economic crisis facing the US and the world, and giant squid attacks.

But just because there are serious things out there doesn't mean you have to be serious all the time. I'm happiest when I'm not having to be serious, and I think a lot of people feel the same. That is why so many people love reading FML or watching "Leave Britney Alone" or seeing Bruno. Who doesn't browse funny websites or play mindless online games when theyre in class or at work or landing a Boeing 747? Exaclty.

Thus, this blog will both serve as a means of distraction in-and-of-itself, but it will also be featuring what I consider to be great means of distraction that I want you to know about as well, so that you don't have to sit and fret all day long about how California's budget cuts 12 billion in funding to such essential services as public education and Medi-Cal, and really only pushes the problem down the road and might culminate in the entire state government collapsing. You can still fret about this, but take 5 minutes off. Listen to this song from Monty Python's Life of Brian, sung by a man who is being crucified next to Brian, who is mistaken for Jesus--http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHPOzQzk9Qo, it pretty much sums it up.

Wow, I really wrote a lot more about the fish picture than I thought I would--I guess that's the English/psychology major/law student in me--I basically have been trained my entire academic life to find meaning in the smallest, stupidest thing and ramble about it for pages and pages.

Anyway, another new picture is the Mikee P picture. For those of you who might be a little slow, this is me. I don't remember what I am staring at, but it looks like it was intriguing/confusing. Anyway, thought it might be good to put a name with the face.

You might also notice that I have added the "subscribe" feature. If you do this, What It Is, Sukafish?! will show up on your homepage, like igoogle or yahoo home. Each new post will have a link, so that you don't have to always search the blog or wait for me to notify you of an update.

I also added a little "about me" section, in case you wanted to know more about yours truly (me, to the lay-person). If you feel like you know too much already, too bad, because you've only seen the tip of the iceberg, SUKAFISH! Below that, is the archive, as always, where you can search for old posts, in case you missed one or stumbled upon this later on and want to read more. Below that is a "search this blog" feature, which should be pretty self-explanatory to all of you who speak English. At the very bottom of the right-column is a cool feature that I discovered and added in the spirit of this blog's dedication to distraction: How Are People Wasting Their Time? It is a link to the most watched youtube videos--thus, you should be getting to watch some pretty interesting stuff, and you might have a few more things to shoot the shit about with friends/co-workers/therapists/pet parrots.

At the very bottom of the blog, below all of the posts, I have added a permanent and hopefully ever-growing list of my favorite websites on which to waste time/be entertained. On there right now is

hulu.com, where you can watch select movies/tv shows for free, such as It's Always Sunny in Philedelphia, The Simpsons, SNL, and a variety of movies.

IMDB.com is a database of every movie ever made, cross-referenced by actor, director, writer, etc. Basically, if you want to know anything about any movie, or see what your favorite actor has acted in their career, use IMDB.

Addicting Games is a website dedicated to fun, easy, and often mindless games you can play online for free. I recommend Pac Xon or Monster Evolution to start--both are great if you still need to pay some attention to whatever you are doing, but want something to occupy that ADHD side of you while doing it--great for class, customer service calls, and driving a semi-truck.

The Onion, if you don't already know, is a hilarious fake news source--I consider it to be the greatest source of modern satire in existence. Literally everything in each edition is laugh-out-loud hilarious and spot-on. In addition to fake newspaper articles, there are fake radio feeds and fake TV news stories. You could spend days on this site and never stop laughing. Give it a shot.

Slate Magazine is kind of like the Onion, but real news. It is real news written by funny people in a funny way--read it if you like being actually informed and up-to-date but are looking to an alternative to the horribly bland standard news sites out there.

Funny Or Die is a website similar to youtube created by Will Ferrell and Adam McKay--it features hilarious videos. I recommend the Landlord and Good Cop, Baby Cop to get started.

Finally, the Fail Blog, as I have mentioned in previous posts, is an incredibly simple and funny site. It features pictures and captions of things that have "failed" at what they attempt to do. It is hard to describe, but worth your time, so check it out.

Anyway, this was a lot longer post than I intended--and to think I wasn't even going to mention the changes at all. I hope the re-vamped look and content of What It Is, Sukafish?! make it even more enjoyable and help to facilitate your need to distract yourself when life is getting to boring or heavy.

As I have stated before, I would love it if you readers would share similar websites, videos, new movies or artists, and/or stories with me and the other readers--another hope I have is that this site can become a forum of great entertainment and time-wasting, and as I have said before, I am always on the lookout for new and funny/distracting things.

So, let me leave you all now to contemplate the changes that have taken place here at What It Is, Sukafish?!. Just like when Mount Rushmore was re-carved to add in Teddy Roosevelt's face over the lesser-accomplished Millard Fillmore's (I think they had to ship in extra granite from Italy), it's the same basic idea, but much more improved and worth visiting.

Take it easy, everyone. Try not to get too focused in life.

Mikee P

Also, please note the important change in the blog's URL: it is now http://whatitissuckafish.blogspot.com/, no longer whatitis916.blogspot.com. Please pass this on.

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