
The One AND Only Suckafish! (Yes, I know it's really a puffer fish. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're a nerd.)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bucket List

So I realize the last post was a little lame. From my perspective. Maybe you think they're all lame. If that's the case, I gotta wonder why you are even reading this--you have to have something better to pass the time. I guess if you do read this regularly (or at least as regularly as possible given my tendency to be a deadbeat blogger), you either must not think it's entirely lame OR you think it's lame and you have such a pathetic life that you read it anyway--you might even be so lame as to hate the blog and yet take the time to comment on how you dislike it. Either way, I like you for reading my blog. Thanks for validating me.

Anyway, I thought I would do something different this time to, how the Czech say, "příchuť" things up--look it up. Also, I inherently don't have as much time to do each post as I did over the summer. So without further ado, I give you the on-going post topic, "MikeeP's Bucket List". 

Don't be too quick to judge--this isn't any ordinary bucket list--I don't have anything totally lame and corny on it, like "witness something truly majestic." No, mine is much, much weirder. Ok, I guess I lied before when I said without further ado, so this time, without ANY further ado, MikeeP's Bucket List (in no particular order. NOTE: I have drawn a line through the completed items--each one brings me one step closer to fulfillment).

--Pee into a Cloud (think about it, how weird would it be? A) it would be magical for multiple reasons, including that you get to be somewhere where you are standing in or near a cloud, and this probably would be cool in and of itself B) you get to take it one step further and do something no one else would do or think of--taking a pee into a ball of condensation C) no one could possibly see you and you wouldn't be able to see anyone or anything else, so it's like peeing into oblivion) 

--Find a Way to Cash in on Knowing a lot of Movie Quotes and Make Billions

--Be Wrongfully Accused of a Crime and Somehow Prove My Own Innocence While at the Same Time Finding the Evidence Necessary to Apprehend the Real Culprit (BONUS BUCKET LIST ITEM: Busting Out a Pithy One-Liner Before Making a Daring Escape That Would Likely Result in Death. SUB-BONUS: Surviving Said Escape)

--Get Attacked by a Great White Shark and Fend it Off By Ripping its Eye Out A' La Chubbs Peterson from Happy Gilmore

--Invent a New Catchphrase (Check! see Bajoinkaweiner! see also Sukafish!) (BONUS: Have it spread around the world).

--Figure Out what the F*&% Is Happening on LOST

--Hijack a Coca-Cola Truck and Make a Break for Mexico (BONUS: Being Gunned Down at the Border. ALTERNATIVE BONUS: Make it across the border and enjoy the sweet taste of a truckload full of coca-cola)

--Dive Into a Pool Filled with Goldfish (Crackers, not the pet)

--Have a Car Spontaneously Burst into Flames While I'm Driving It (Remind me to tell you this story later)

--Force Some Sort of Foreign Dignitary to Waltz with Me Through a Crowded Cafeteria

--Ski Down Mt. Everest

 As you can see, I've only crossed off two items of the list so far, and it's not an easy list--believe me, it goes on, and on, and on. So, I guess you could say I have some living to do. Why the hell am I here typing to you people? 

Take care and get out there and don't be afraid to chase your dreams.


1 comment:

Vuhyhol said...

Mike, that dream cloud of yours has been peed on many times, trust me. Wherever guys can get, they mark their territory by peeing. I wish it was a wierd dream, but it's rather a usual one. P.S. In Belmeken, Bulgaria, u can reach the cloud from ur hotel room balcony sometimes, and it's entirely up to u what to do with it ;)